Privacy Policy

The first section of this Privacy Policy constitute a legally binding agreement made between you, whether personally or on behalf of an entity ("you") and Taunahi, concerning your data to and the use of as well as the software, or other media forms linked or otherwise connected thereto Taunahi.

This document is split into two sections:

This privacy policy may change at any time as our services develop, and the second section is merely a guideline and if a sudden change happens we may see fit to change our policy.


Section 1

What information we hold about you

The type of data that we collect and process are as follows:

Further information may be collected if you choose to share this with us, such as in Discord Integration, or other fields you supply us with.


We collect this data in the following cases:


How your personal information is used

We use your personal information in the following ways:

Other non-personal information may be used for other functions as part of our site, such as your Discord ID.



We use cookies to provide a better experience on our site, such as not having to log in each time you visit, or remembering what is in your cart.



You have a right to access personal data we hold about you, as well as the right to request the deletion of your personal data.


Section 2

Personal Information

Taunahi never keeps data we don't deem either:

  1. Necessary to our service, authentication, or protections such as chargebacks

  2. Useful, such as in use with our optional features such as discord integration.


No payment information is kept in our databases other than emails, timestamps and other identifiers used to track if a purchase is completed or not.

IP addresses, UUID's, and HWID's are kept in our database for authentication and so we can investigate any misuse of our services. In rare exceptions, other system info may be logged in the case of a potential attacker, but this information is not kept unnecessarily.


Discord (OAuth)

You, the customer, can optionally give us certain permissions over your Discord account, which will be used in the follow two ways:

Once you link your discord, you are free to change what permissions to give us, or you can unlink it entirely.

To prevent piracy, whilst you can unlink your discord, you cannot link it to a new discord at a later date unless in special circumstances.